+7 (985) 308-54-44
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т а т и к а

Д и н а м и к а


с и х о с о м а т и к а

э н е р г е т и к а


Йога для Позвоночника
р о ф и л а к т и к а

а с к р е п о щ е н и е

19 марта – Медитация за Японию

Всемирная медитация организована итальянцем Прем Дхармой из Сан-Миниато. Вот текст его обращения:


Everybody is invited to share love and support to our japanese friends who really need help in these hard times after the earthquake and the explosion of the nuclear centre in Fukushima.


You can meditate sitting with the hands in your heart, or you can dance, sing, paint…anything which makes easier to share your beauty and love. The important thing is to focus your intention on supporting Japan.


The meditation lasts 15 minutes and starts on Saturday 19/03/2011 at 12.00 pm (afternoon), italian time zone. If your time zone is different, please check the different timing to meditate at the same time we do (www.worldtimeserver.com). If for any reason you can’t do it at that time, do it at any time is more comfortable for you.


It is also an invitation to pass from individual consciousness to collective consciousness, because our japanese friends are not far away, THEY ARE HERE...sharing this beautiful planet with us. Don’t leave them alone, let's connect all together to send love and support them.


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+7 (985) 308-54-44